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UK Sheep Breeds
Shop UK Frozen Ram Semen
Interest Form & News
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Cost - for more details see
Interest Form
$95.00 per straw estimated cost delivered to USA (+ surcharge based on per straw purchased if any cost overrun)
Fee includes $5/straw delivered to USA, to defray costs for Heritage Sheep Reproduction import permit and website marketing
1 straw
per ewe
needed for Laparoscopic Artificial Insemination
5 straws
per client
minimum order (
can be from multiple rams and breeds
100 straws
per individual ram
minimum, before entering UK ram semen isolation and collection center (can be from multiple clients)
tank(s) shipped to Veterinary controlled location agreed upon by Heritage Sheep Reproduction and USA Breed Coordinators
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Southdown "Chaileybrook 22/01360" M59003 (UK0316694-01360) - Tank #7 - Semen Imported into USA
Southdown "Chaileybrook 21/01061" M58645 (UK0316694-01061) - Tank #7 - Semen Imported into USA