Wensleydale (black) “West End Drongo 7671B” (694/18/747B) (UK0107504-00747) - Tank #2 - Semen Imported into USA - Sold Out


Note: (see Interest Form & News for details)

Sold Out

= $135.00 [$95/semen straw + $20/straw importation fee*], 5 straws minimum order can be a mixture of rams & breeds
* importation cost includes: = [Codon Scrapie Genotype testing to source ARR/ARR (highest resistance) rams, UK Gov Sign-off, transport to London, non-stop flight to USA, tank fully insured, USDA/APHIS Customs inspection, shipment from Customs to Great Lakes Sire Service (GLSS) Bronson, Michigan, in-inventory at GLSS, return tank to UK for next shipment] + plus any overrun costs

Born: 2018, single

Pedigree [click on images to ENLARGE & scroll]]

       G Sire: Biddesden Toucan (7301B)
Sire: West End Starling (7507B) 
       G Dam: (694/13/048B)

       G Sire: West End Nero (7421B)
Dam: West End (694/15/435B) 
       G Dam: (694/09/948B)

Scrapie Genotype: ARR/ARR

Description [from Prescott/West End Wensleydales about their 4 rams listed and also from their website]: "They are very big sheep had lovely fleece and excellent conformation. Of the whites, Brexit was our breeding and Boris was one of Mary Smith’s, whose breeding is in many champions. The blacks are both ours: Drongo has a very black fleece with a good crimp and Brigand is a lovely pewter colour with big curls.”

Drongo_front, taken in 2020
Drongo_pedigree (grassroots)
Drongo_pedigree (extended)
Drongo_Brigand (pewter) in front & Drongo (black) in back, taken in 2020

There is something very appealing about Black Wensleydales. Recently, with the increase in demand for natually coloured wools, their black fleece is listed in the wool board schedule as one of the highest priced.

There is a great variation in the fleece, not only in the colour, but also in type. Some have a very tight crimp and others very open with a big loose curl and softer handle - the latter being more of a spinning fleece. The staple of a black yearling fleece is often not quite as long as that of a white. Black fleece, especially with a long staple and good crimp, is very popular with felters.

At West End Farm we raise prize-winning, pedigree Wensleydale Sheep - a breed renowned for its superb fleece.  We have both a white and a black flock. For 30 years we have shown sheep and fleece successfully at the Great Yorkshire Show, the RBST annual show and others shows in the north of England.

UK ram owners: John and Shelagh Prescott, West End Wensleydales, Longhorsley, Northumberland, England, UK

To order UK ram semen fill out Interest Form (required)

USA/Canada Wensleydale Breed Coordinator
Cory Simpson